Showing all posts tagged #design:

passion to collaborate with leaders and artists in maximizing ideation and strategy

Posted on April 23rd, 2021

I am passionate about helping leaders and artists present the best versions of their ideas. As a Creative Director, I believe that beauty enhances story and experience with magical and intangible impact. I know that great process architecture makes an invaluable difference in the long term; and that it can begin being built during the first project we partner in. With extensive expertise in consulting and designing for special presentations — live event, walk through experience (including window displays), and video presentation *extensive broadcast and streaming experience as well as produced product for playback and sharing — I love collaborating with leadership and artists to maximize ideation and strategy.

New AV System

Posted on December 19th, 2020

Those of you who know me well understand that I’m not really at all a gear head. However, I know that sometimes an upgrade is necessary. This went in earlier in the month. Quite a Christmas Gift!!
I’ll explain the project and the why behind it all in an upcoming post. The story will be a good addition the portfolio, I’m certain.
And we’re only getting started with the capacities. Tune in on Christmas Eve to see how incredible the experience translates with our clear, natural audio and the epic cinematic visual capture!

Create New Possibilities Out of the Unknown

Posted on December 3rd, 2020

"Intelligence uses knowledge to solve problems; creativity uses what is unknown to create new possibilities."
Jessica was on a work call and heard someone say this. She encouraged me with texting this reminder to me.
She didn’t catch where the quote originated from. If one of you knows, please do use it as an excuse to call or text me and let me know so that I can add attribution in!

Coaching Stage Design

Posted on September 3rd, 2020

So, I’m coaching a Worship Director friend in a consultation thread about the design updates they want to implement on their stage. Here’s a copy/paste of the last message I typed in the thread:
My encouragement to you in thinking about design is to build a mood board of things that you’d like. I can then help you in designing something that is true to your taste and feels current and that will look good for in the room as well as for the lens.
And I definitely encourage not gathering any more than 50% of your inspiration from HOW. Honestly, I recommend staying beneath 10 or even 5% if possible.
The "church scene" is sadly very derivative. Don’t make a copy of a copy of a copy. The best design in the world is inspired by nature and original eureka ideas. If choosing existing work to be inspired by, I suggest studying great architecture, flipping through an art history textbook, or watching a broadway show. Watch the Grammys or some top name as well as highly creative indie concerts if you want something that is more live production. Watching other churches is far too often simply copying people who have copied many people before.
Also, it’s never about specific gear. It’s about the feel that you want to have things look like and the budget and existing inventory that you have access to.

And then I just read this related thought in the book, Disrupt by Luke Williams.

Design + Context = Purpose

Posted on November 24th, 2019

Where design and context are aligned,clear purpose can be found. As a designer, we are the answer for how we can improve the world. Bring beauty and care to the context of the situation. Make it better.

Algorithms and Intuition

Posted on October 22nd, 2019

A combination of strategies I choose to utilize in my work as a Creative Director is creating algorithms for human intuition to be maximized as I help coach and reveal beauty to enhance story and experience. This is a key part of the "process architecture" that I put in place for our teams to use in our planning process: A series of questions and process guides to begin with as well as a timeline with both back burner space for peace as well as checkpoints and prototyping deadlines that each can yield an "eureka idea" to add to the plan. It’s a magical thing when both both logic and instinct are allowed to team up as part of the creative process.

Leadership and Design Principles

Posted on August 1st, 2019

Create excellent systems and ideal processes to best support a brilliant team.
Intentionally develop what is usable and useful by focusing on the end experience.
Imagine the experiencer’s situational hopes and needs; then dream further about how to care for what they don’t even yet realize would be better.
Empathize with the misfits of society; never settle in curating only for those in the middle of the bell curve.
Design for humanity.
Strive for justice and peace.
Love everyone along the journey.
Consider every perspective.
Pursue sustainable excellence.
Refine continually.
Enhance the good; discard the clumsy; innovate the untapped potential.
Illuminate the future; building toward virtuous legacy and health for all.
Pioneer possibilities.
Optimistically always forge ahead.
Be ambassadors of hope and beauty.
Value effective as well as efficient.
Multiply intuition and knowledge.
Relentlessly pursue the greatest intersection of stewardship and creativity.
Coach and reveal beauty to enhance story and experience.
Maximize ideation and strategy.

Measurements of Good Design

Posted on July 17th, 2019

What are "measurements" that we can use to determine what "good" design (or etc.) is?
Attendance? Giving? What else? Certainly engagement - with those who interact with the design…
It’s usually obvious when something is good...

Genius in Teamwork

Posted on November 5th, 2018

Be openhanded. Practice awareness and humility and know the one who knows. Such teamwork is where magical breakthrough and creativity occurs - at the nexus of conventionality and novelty.

My friend Michael shared this article. I find it both fascinating and encouraging.

Quote about care and passion in visual design

Posted on August 14th, 2018

I was talking with my new friend John this afternoon. He is Director of Facilities and we will not only be working closely with our job responsibilities having a symbiotic nature; but we have already learned share a kindred spirit for philosophy and appreciation of design. He shared this quote that one of his professors uttered on the first day of class when he was in school about how intentional and immersed she wanted students to put their care and passion into visual design!
"When you spit on the sidewalk I want you to worry about what kind of pattern it makes."
-Leslie Wiseman (via John Nowacki @ 1969 University of Detroit Architecture School)

Eric G Wolfe

Creative Director | Process Architect. Design Strategist. Leadership Coach.