I must declare, I'm really liking this service so far. I just moved one of my blog drafts - a note I started (but never finished) several months ago and never copy/pasted to my Tumblr blog - from my "1. Action" folder into my "Postach.io" folder. I kept all my original tags including "@kcc" and simply added "published" and a post is on my site. How joyfully simple!

Interesting that it logs the post by the note creation time stamp. I'll have to look into how this might be adjusted. On one hand, I like it. However, I think I'd prefer it to be based on when I choose to publish. Yet, I wouldn't want to adjust the creation date as filed in Evernote. Hmm...

Anyway, I think now I shall attempt the addition of a "page" to this site. Perhaps we start with a basic portfolio?

Portfolio page posted in no time! I'd love to figure out how to format the view differently; but for now, it'll more than do.

Note from email reply to Postachio team that was checking in on my progress:
Spent some time playing with pistach.io last night. It's coming along; I think I have a vision coming together with it. I'm certainly liking it thus far